Paymaya is MAYA now!

Paymaya is Maya now!

I received an email saying that they're changing their brand name to MAYA.

I've been using Paymaya for quite some time now. I also have GCASH app, tried to use both apps on two separate occasions. Both of them were involved transferring or  sending, saving and receiving money.

The new Paymaya —  the Maya.

I'm sure you're asking, "Why change the brand name?", "What's new with the app?".  Same with you, I am curious to know what are the development of this application.

As for their promotional materials, PayMaya was rebranded into Maya as it aims to be your "all-in-one" money app. And for me, maybe because Maya is easier to remember. Another thing aside from changing their brand name, the new app added a function for those who are into buying and selling cryptocurrencies.

Because I'm curious about the changes,  I updated my PayMaya app in Google Play Store.

Viola! The new interface is beginner-friendly and users can easily learn the tricks and trade of the new app.

After submitting your data by logging in and approving the Data Policy, you will see your WALLET, followed by the SAVINGS, CREDIT (up to P15,000 credit limit), and the activation of CARDS.

And other services are: ESSENTIALS, MONEY MAKERS like the savings, credit and crypto, LIFESTYLE, PAYMENTS, REWARDS, etc...

BTW, I'm only using PayMaya for paying my PLDT Bill. Now, after exploring the app I have so many discoveries. Well, that will be POSTED on my next blog. 😊

What are you waiting for, explore the app now! Use my invite code when you join Maya for a P100 welcome voucher!

Make sure to upgrade your account, cash in, and complete your first transaction to get your reward. Learn more at Click my invite code now!

            My Invite Code DW359E0578KY

Upgrade your old PayMaya to Maya and let's explore together the new "all-in-one money app".