My Transformative Experience at Tubod Wellness: Embracing Self-Care and Giving Back

Visiting Tubod Wellness was more than just a self-care retreat; it was a journey into holistic well-being and an opportunity to bring newfound knowledge back to my community. Nestled in the serene landscapes, it offers a sanctuary where both body and mind can find rejuvenation and balance.

The Essence of Tubod Wellness

Bringing the Mountains to the City

Understanding that not everyone can access these remote water sources, Tubod Wellness has innovatively bridged this gap by using advanced Japanese technology. They have introduced a machine that replicates the natural qualities of tubod water, making it accessible to those in urban areas. This technology ensures that the water retains its essential mineral content and purity, providing the same health benefits as natural spring water.

My Personal Experience at Tubod Wellness

Upon entering the premises, I was given a personal health check using Japanese technology called MRA (Magnetic Resonance Analyzer). They collected my information, including age, height, and weight, to tailor the experience to my specific needs.

1. Detox with Sauna Bath: My first stop was the Sauna Bath. Spending 15 minutes in the steam tub was incredibly refreshing and aimed to release toxins from my body. The heat and steam worked wonders in opening my pores and promoting sweating, which is essential for detoxification.

2. Tubod Face Mask: After the sauna, I was treated to a Tubod mask. This mask, infused with the minerals of Tubod water, was left on my face for 5 minutes. It felt incredibly soothing and revitalizing. Following the mask, I took a half bath using Tubod water, which left my skin feeling soft and refreshed.

3. Rejuvenating Massage: Next, I proceeded to the massage area for a thorough body and head massage. The therapists were skilled, and the ambiance was perfect for relaxation. I also opted to add limestone for an additional P75, which enhanced the experience, making my muscles feel even more relaxed and my mind at ease.


Health Insights with MRA

After the holistic session, we were called privately to discuss our MRA results. I was surprised by my results, which underscored the importance of self-care. This small machine provided a comprehensive analysis of what was going on inside my body without the need for X-rays or blood tests. It detected potential issues and offered valuable advice on how to prevent them. This insightful discussion was a powerful reminder of how crucial it is to be aware of our health status and take proactive steps to maintain it.

A Wholistic Approach to Well-Being

At Tubod Wellness, the focus is not just on physical health but on a comprehensive approach to wellness. My visit highlighted the importance of:

- Hydration with Purpose: Drinking specially treated Tubod water, rich in minerals crucial for bodily functions, invigorated my senses and connected me to nature, even in the city.

- Mindful Practices: Engaging in meditation sessions harmonized my mind and body, teaching me the importance of mindfulness.

- Nutrient-Rich Diet: Enjoying meals crafted from organic ingredients helped detoxify my body and boost my immune system.

- Workshops and Learning: Educational workshops on sustainable living, natural resources, and holistic health practices provided valuable insights.

Bringing It Back to the Community

One of the most profound impacts of my stay at the sanctuary was the desire to share and implement what I had learned. As what Tubod Wellness objective is to help the community the importance of the spring water to our health. Here are a few ways you can give back:

- Spreading information about Tubod water: Educating others about the benefits of mineral-rich water, mindfulness, and a healthy diet.

- Sustainable Practices: Promoting sustainable living practices in my community, inspired by the eco-friendly methods used at Tubod Wellness.

- Wellness Advocacy: Encouraging friends and family to prioritize their health through holistic practices, emphasizing the importance of natural resources and mindfulness.

Tubod Wellness was more than a retreat; it was an awakening to the simple yet profound ways nature can heal and sustain us. The advanced technology used to replicate Tubod water's natural qualities played a vital role in this journey, symbolizing purity and health. This experience has inspired me to continue nurturing my well-being and to share these life-enhancing practices with my community.

Visiting the sanctuary reminded me that true self-care extends beyond oneself—it's about nurturing the connections we have with our environment and the people around us. This holistic approach is something I am committed to embracing and promoting in my daily life.

Exploring the place was a transformative journey that highlighted the importance of natural, holistic practices. By integrating these lessons into my life and sharing them with my community, I hope to contribute to a healthier, more mindful world.

If you want to be part of this first and only hydration-based health and wellness retreat in the city, become a member now for only P990. This membership includes 9 weeks of access to the Wellness Hub, 3 vouchers for steam sauna sessions, and 3 vouchers for whole body massages.

And you can upgrade to VIP for P3,000 only. You can have a free access of the sanctuary for a year for fitness, relaxation and meditation.
  • 10 shareable vouchers for sauna
  • 10 shareable vouchers for massage
  • Weekly sauna & holistic services for card holder within 3 months
  • 1k worth of tubod products
  • Monthly health assessment 
  • 6 vouchers for picnic with family & friends
  • 3 vouchers for wellness workshops
  • VIP discount card (20%)

For more information, you can contact Tubod Wellness at 0962 109 3231 or book a holistic pampering session through their Facebook page: Tubod Lifestyle Care