School Recess Before Lunch Makes Your Kids Happier and Healthier One #Recess #Education #Parenting #SchoolRecess

I grow up from a school that gives us a time to have a  break and take our "RECESS" for 15 minutes before we take our lunch.

Way back in early 80's, when I'm still in grade school, I never purchase my snacks or my lunch from the canteen the fact that they sell food pretty expensive and very unhealthy. I always have my all-in-one food box with me, that includes my snacks and lunch.

And by early '90's,  in my High School year,  our canteen change its rules and now they get much more healthy and much more yummier food, the likes of, Filipino delicacies (suman. puto, sapin2, etc..) and for beverages they served kalamansi(lemon) juice and fruit shakes, no more softdrinks allowed.
~read here: Anti-Junk Food Campaign    

Why I bring up about School Recess before taking lunch makes your kids more happier and healthier?  This is just my owned observation,  comparing my School Alma Mater and with my children's previous school when their still in grade school.

I found out that they don't take recess between 9am to 10am, and its up to the students if they take their snacks or not. BTW, Philippine lunch time is 12 noon. For me, not a good idea considering that our children is using their total well-being (physically, mentally and emotionally). The school must imposed rules to have a 15 minutes RECESS in order for the kids to relax, remember that is one of the children's right in school education.

Asking me, did I confront the teacher adviser? No, but I went to the Principal and her reason is: "Children are allowed to take RECESS inside the room (but not allowed to go outside) while teachers continue doing their classes".  So meaning, while classes is on-going students are eating and its up to the students if they will take their break or not. I am not happy with the principal answers. I explained it to my two daughters - but still I insist to tell them, do not skip your 15 minutes recess.

As a single parent, I am concern with the health of my two daughters, especially my eldest because she has respiratory health condition. For me, having a RECESS at school is a great help for our children. Studies shows that when kids take recess before lunch they are more FULL and more RELAXED and I agree to that.

Classes usually starts at 7:30PM so meaning kids wake up early in the morning and have their breakfast maybe by 6:30am and go to school for about 7am and by 7:15am attend Flag Ceremony. And we know kids are very active, by 9am they will get hungry and thirsty if they don't take a 15 minutes recess they will experience stomachaches, restless, headaches, etc...they cannot concentrate in their class anymore. And by 12 noon, instead of taking lunch they cannot eat properly because they are much disturb between PLAY and EAT. And for teenagers, they cannot properly communicate with others because they are lost somehow ( the lack of concentration) and that will be the start of anxiety and depression. I am not a psychologist but I can feel it because I am a mother.

Food is essential and as our kids continue on a journey of lifelong learning they need it to boost their energy and strength.

I'm sure it will be bad enough that I've just pointed them(the teacher) in this scenario. I know teachers are just following the DepED curriculum. At the very least my post or the social media attention will draw other concerned parents to be more attentive with their children's class schedules and check if their son's and daughter's are taking their recess properly. Somehow, parents and teachers had a great role in shaping our children's.



  1. I totally agree.. Children should take their food on time and it has been proven now and again that a few meals at different intervals is healthy. It is good if they are trained when they are young to take smaller meals at equal intervals.

  2. Wow sis, you guys only had 15 minutes for recess?! That's so short! Ours was 30 minutes then an hour for lunch. And I agree, having that recess in between class and before lunch time definitely makes students more happy and energetic.

    1. Yes sis, in my elementary years. But in HS we already have 30 mins break for RECESS and 1 hour for lunch.

  3. I mean, who wouldnt be happy on having recess/snack and then lunch 😉😉
    Its hard to listen to the instructor when you're hungry

  4. Recess is so important for students because it replenishes the lost energy in between classes with food. Thanks for sharing :D

  5. Growing up we had a 30 minute recess in the morning and another one in the afternoon. I never really ate again during these recess periods. This is usually the time to catch up on missed homework or perform duties as class officers.

  6. Back when we were still students, our parents never fail to prepare a lunch box for us and this includes snacks also. We did not have play time during recess since our school was very strict. Students just had to behave and sit while eating.

  7. I loved recess when I was studying and this is very important to me. I asked my family members about this matter, and they have recess time for 15 minutes inside the school only. I think, it's high time to reach out the proper solution for this matter.

  8. That is just very unreasonable, these are kids! How can they concentrate on the lessons if they're eating or how can they eat when they have to listen to the teachers.

  9. Recess was my favorite subject back then. => I think it's a welcome break especially that you've been to school really early.

  10. Gone are those days. Break time is most important time for kids to at least enjoy short period after some boring periods in the class.

  11. I agree too. When I was in school we had recess at around 10 and lunch at 12.30. Dunno how the scene is now in India! Gotta check it out. And yeah, recess is very necessary...

  12. 15 minutes is actually not enough. Back in high school, we have 30-minute recess. It's not the same in college anymore. Yes, some of us have breaks in between classes, but in our school, there are no breaks. Only in lunch time. And kids actually have to wake up at 5 am. But I wake up at 6 'cause I'm lazy. Haha. Yeah. Recess is life. There even is a cartoon dedicated for it.

  13. Totally agree with that. They also need that fun break before resuming to lessons, no matter how light or heavy they study.

  14. I had no idea, for the twins, their school always has a scheduled snack time and the teacher would even post their menu for the week. It's important for kids to be able to eat so they can retain their energy. This is alarming, really!

  15. That's so short for recess My youngest child has it for half an hour at the end of the day. Not sure if I like it at the end like that or not. I'm def. on the fence.

  16. Kids really need a bit longer recess where they eat and play and relax a bit. It is the age where they must eat proper food.

  17. Working with children, I definitely agree that rest breaks and healthy choice are so important in their day. It is great to hear you being so pro health.

  18. As time goes by, rules change and the well being and health of the kids are affected... I wonder how it will be like a few more years down the road when I have my own kids...
