Life of A Product Review Blogger #BloggersLife #LifeofaProductReviewBlogger

I've been a product review blogger since 2012 and I really enjoy receiving FREEBIES from different companies to help them promote and at the same time advertise their product in my site. This way it can bring detailed information and give awareness to my readers about products that they already know or may not know and in that it may help them.

Yes, we are so blessed receiving all the free stuff. It really help us boost our source of traffic, subscribers and revenue from our blog. Because of the useful and quality blog content of the site that provides useful information that gives impact in buying decisions of readers.

They have a good taste in choosing right people to do the PROMOTION. Whether you agree or disagree with me, BLOGGERS are CHEAP in terms in a long, lasting advertising promotion. In my experience, I am okay with the payment of $25 blog post link for 6 months or an XDEAL wherein company is giving you the FREE STUFF, all you have to do is to use it and give review after that your work is DONE.

Your review is very useful, compared with the advertisement you see on a magazines and newspapers, when people see the ads after that they will throw it and wait for the next issue. Your blog review is forever in the archives, one click by using search engine the result will be highlighted back to your product reviews.

Another thing is the SOCIAL MEDIA. Company knows that blogger has many social media followers, like in KLOUT, PINTEREST, STUMBLEUPON, LINKEDIN, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER & FACEBOOK.

This is what we called the VIRTUAL LIFE, the life where people are in to an Online World, the E-Commerce business, etc...that greatly affect the people purchasing decisions.

Giving bloggers a FREE REVIEW PRODUCTS is the only means they can increased their company sales.

Though some companies are very strict in giving requisites to let you review their products, checking your ALEXA RANKING, SITE RANKING, etc...but there are some companies that by signing up you will become a PRODUCT REVIEWER.

If everyone envy us because of the FREEBIES we have received, don't be. Because sometimes in posting reviews there are mix reaction that bloggers receive from their readers, especially if they encounter product problems.


A blogger is requested to make a 100% honest review, right? What if that honest review turns into a negative one, probably not in your best interest, or with that with your readers, to respond to a negative reviews.

That is how complicated a product review for me, you can't please anybody about your thoughts, it benefit no one to believe or not, even if I edit it or give a sugar coated opinion or be poetic with my words as long as I put an honest review and a lot of a hard work by making various testing.

We may not agree on an item-and that's the beauty of innovation.

I embrace different opinions in fact in every post I've made I always ask my readers and encourage them to use the product and let me know their thoughts. Though sometimes I see no point in making reviews, especially if I read a comment about a sad experience of a certain product.

But I am not stopping doing reviews! I love doing it with all HONESTY and RESPECT!

You can read most of my product reviews here, GLAMOURHOLICMOM 


  1. Bloggers can really give a more personalized testimonials with products and can do it faster.

  2. Happy for you sis, you are one of those blessed bloggers who do honest reviews. Wish ko lang mapansin din ako ng mga companies.

  3. Really, blogger's product review gives positive result than any other medium. Likewise, nowadays, the social media plays a vital role in online marketing. Hoping that every blogger must be trusted for this endeavor.

  4. I really appreciate reading honest reviews. Whether it's positive or negative, it's content that's worth reading.

  5. I admire those who do frank and honest reviews because not all products/services are 100 percent good or safe. - KarenT

  6. i hope i could also receive those kind of freebies.. hihihi .. but i just hope other reviewers will be honest because sometimes they exaggerate to the point that they are no longer telling the truth just for the sake of marketing.

  7. I have been a blogger but more of a diary. Now that I'm beginning to review products too, I know what you mean by this post. It's so hard to be 100% honest without being to harsh on the brand.

  8. I am still waiting for my first product review, if there is one.. Maganda raw ang mga benefits sabi ng mole ko.

  9. This is an interesting read and I like how you put emphasis on honest reviews. These days, the Internet is the first thing that people go to for information, for research, and for validation before making any purchase. I've gotten a lot of good recommendations from blogs that I follow and I always always appreciate fellow bloggers who are honest. I have come across make-up reviews that seemed like they were just copied from another blog or from the product's website and it doesn't help at all.

    1. Though some are copied paste post, but link to the product search itself(that good). But if they copied all the blog post and paste it in their site that's another story. Hehehehehe...You really need to post your experience about the product and say something about it --- Honestly.

  10. This is a very very true article. It applied for my case too. While I usually have dilemma what to do in such case, I usually give myself some time before I review the products so that my opinion is not so negative and more well-rounded.

    1. Thanks Tiffany. I think most of the Beauty Bloggers affirmed to this experience.

  11. Really loved reading this! I think it's so important for bloggers everywhere to read about these experiences! :)

  12. I have reviewed food from the restaurants that I've been to and luckily, some of the owners would send an e-mail and want me to try their new products! I would feel so happy that I get to eat them for free! But of course, I have to make a review about the food that I ate.

    I agree that we really have to be honest when giving reviews but I'm more of the constructive type where I would suggest something for them to improve their product and I do hope that they're considering everything. :D

    But the actual product being shipped in our home? Well, I have yet to try them.. :D

  13. I would like to know more about product reviewing. How do you go about it to get the FREEBIES?

    1. There is a group of companies that you can signed up for product review. It was stated in my post, click the "signed up"(the red one).

  14. Thanks for sharing about this aspect of blogging. I wish you also shared how you became the go-to reviewers of various products. How did you begin doing this in 2012 and how did you get your blog out to the merchandisers so they can send you samples to review.

    1. Good one Fred Hawson. Next post will be My life as a product review blogger, this one is just a summarization about the life of a product review blogger.

  15. All true! We bloggers have so many social media accounts and followers and companies know thatbthese will help boost their sales thru us

  16. It's really true that blogger's review could end up in a million readers online. The branding of commercial product depend on its marketing strategy; online and offline.

  17. With the advent of social media and technology brands are now venturing on engaging bloggers. And I will be happy to have my own experience too. I've been blogging but was about my travels and inspirational stories, not yet on product review. I do restaurant reviews though. but haven't been engaged on product reviews yet. Hopefully one day I could venture into that sort of thing too.

  18. Product reviews are very helpful - especially those written by HONEST bloggers like you. I usually read at least 5 reviews before I decide whether to buy or not.

    I am a blogger also but I don't review products as often as you do. Maybe I should feature you in one of my post so that my readers would know about your blog and benefit from your posts as well. Continue blogging...God bless.

  19. I normally give both positive and negative reviews on product I received. Although some are sponsored, I still think I should not just mention the good side if there is a negative comment.

  20. I think being a product reviewer is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because you get freebies as you stated, but it can also be hard because of the reaction of your readers. Overall, the pros outweigh the cons right?

  21. I personally get more pressured whenever I have freebies because it means I really need to help them promote. It's a good problem though as its also a seal of approval that they trust you.

  22. well... thanks for sharing your insights. The truth is, I feel that as readers, we have to be discerning about what we read, and what we choose to believe in too. Honest bloggers are helping themselves in the long run.

  23. Blogging has opened us to a wide market with lots of ways to share our opinions on products. It can be lucrative but, integrity is key.

  24. as product reviewer we are responsible to provide an honest review and feedback .. it's kinda difficult sometimes because your credibility comes with it.

  25. I do get what you mean, sometimes I tried the skincare and it caused problems to my skin. This is disaster. Thanks for the sharing.

  26. This is actually why I'm quite picky with products I review. If a company offers me to review a product I'm not that interested in, or something I think my readers wouldn't be interested in, I won't accept the freebie. 'Cause if I did, it would be unfair to both me, my readers and the company. As for products that don't work or had negative effects, thankfully I haven't experienced anything like that yet. >.< That would put a blogger in an awkward position with a company. >.<
