Teach Your Children The Basic Techniques Of Scrapbooking

I use to scrap all the time,  it's my hobby since graders. Then I become a mother, I haven't found time to do it again and on top of that I have to baby sit my two children.

Now that they are all grown up, I said to myself I will go back to scrapbooking.;;)

Keeping a journal or a diary is a must for me, I enjoy writing and posting photos in my book. I have kept all of my old diaries and have a drawer of notes for me to know where I get those pictures (for future reference). Honestly, I am pedantic about getting all the right details/information. ;))

This time need to share my talent in arts and crafts with my youngest daughter. She's eager to learn the basic techniques in scrapbooking such as cutting, gluing and wrapping.  I am pretty sure that she will become a passionate crafter too! [-O< ;)

Things to have... :D/ same materials I use with my last post DIY - My Blogging Planner 2014 by The Blogging Garden 


Guide your children in doing this part. After putting a line using a pencil and a ruler, you need a scissor to cut the desired size of your scrapbook.

Chelsea, had a problem in holding a scissor, so I volunteer myself to cut the board for her.


Since this is the easiest part of the basic techniques in making a scrapbook, I let Chelsea do it but still with my guidance.

She is assigned to fold the wrapper to the glued board.

WRAPPING or Covering

After covering, you have to cut a colored cartolina, a bit smaller size with your chipboard.

And place the colored cartolina at the other side of the board.

Use a puncher and arrange your pages/layout. I get my layout pages from a site that you can easily download and print.

Put a post screw to bound your book.

Why do I use Post Screw to bound my book?

It is easy to change or update.  You can add more pages if you like.

That's all, hope your children can do this too.  

Once they will learn the basic scrapbooking procedures, it will teach them to learn money skills or money management that instead of buying they will make on their own.

This is fun and relaxing hobby that you can teach to the whole family. 

And also you will enjoy the quality time together with your kids.



  1. I've wanted to do scrapbooking but never had the patience or artistic mind for it. Maybe some day when I have kids of my own, we can do it together. It is a good bonding moment.

  2. Thanks for giving me an idea! I do want to impart scrapbooking to my little girl!

  3. This definitely enhances their creativity. It would be nice to start them young.

  4. i love scrapbooking and I enjoy working with my daughter too.. Looking forward to more projects with her

  5. scrap books are really fun and unleashes the creativity in you.. and it's a great bonding time for the parents and their child.. :)
