I'm not an expert doing web and graphics designing but if I'm given correct, proper instructions and followed the task given to me this is very easy.

I've been looking for a SOCIAL MEDIA ICONS for my fashion blog,  GLAMOURHOLIC MOM.  Something that fits my theme, something black to contrast the white templates I used.

Then I bumped into CARRIE LOVES blog site about her FREE DIY SOCIAL MEDIA ICONS.  This is all I want for my blog, I can choose an ICON and COLOR I want for my site.

I downloaded the chosen icon and color I'd like for my site, then unzip the folder transfer it to my shared documents.

Another thing to consider in doing a DIY SOCIAL MEDIA ICON is how you ADD SOCIAL MEDIA ICONS to your site. So click the link posted on CARRIE LOVES blog, 
BEAUTIFUL DAWN DESIGNSA step to step instruction for a blogger user like me.

All the icons on my shared documents was uploaded to my PHOTOBUCKET Library.

I open a new tab, LOG-IN to my blogger account and in my DASHBOARD I open my blog title GLAMORHOULICMOM.  Click on my LAYOUT.  Click on ADD GADGET.  Then select HTML/JAVA SCRIPT.

Then I paste this code: 

<a href="URL Goes Here"><img src="Image Direct Link Goes Here" /></a>

I head back to my PHOTOBUCKET ACCOUNT to get my IMAGE DIRECT LINK.  By following what is given on the post.

Open my HTML/JAVA SCRIPT Gadget, paste my DIRECT LINK where it says "IMAGE DIRECT LINK GOES HERE".

<a href="URL Goes Here"><img src="" /></a> 

Then I add my SOCIAL MEDIA URL. Just open a new tab for your Social Media profile and copy URL.

<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

Finish.  I'm done already.

See how it looks now.

Click HERE



  1. Oh my gosh! Your tutorial is so awesome. I'm already thinking about installing a few of those buttons on my travel blog. Kudos to this post of yours! Ü

  2. looks really nice!!! wanted my blog to have a new design or theme too and really nice buttons like that but still need to wait hehe. xx

    1. Looking forward for your new templates dear.

  3. I'm also not a techy person that is why I find tutorials like this very helpful.

  4. The icons are really lively. I'm sure your readers would be entertained and would love it.

  5. I would like to have a social media icons on my blogs too. Nice tip!

  6. The icons are nice, thank you for sharing us how to put them in our blogs.. :D

  7. I love the DIY icons! With this tutorial, everyone can now install these awesome icons on their blog!

  8. This is very nice, I am thinking of installing it on my blogs too.

  9. I have the purple buttons in my blog. ;)

  10. cool tutorial however sidebar widgets don't show up on android platform,.... how do you add them to the bottom of your blogger posts? need more than just the basic Fb,google+, twitter, pinterest, would also like to add instagram and bloglovin.... cant find instructions anywhere please help.... I currently have none and need to drive traffic... TY

    1. Actually the widgets below my blog post is included with the template I used.
