Mga Handuraw sa Baul 2017: A New Kind of Halloween Experience

After an hour of driving south from downtown Davao to Malagos, Calinan, I find myself carefully guided in the dark rainy and uneasy streets leading to what seems to be in the middle of nowhere. A fearful apprehension within the darkness that you will find only you - alone entering a new kind of Halloween experience: "Mga Handuraw sa Baul".

Mga Handuraw sa Baul celebrating Halloween for its second year, an immerse experience set in the forest of Malagos Garden Resort full of myth and mystery, ready to entertain guests looking for a new variety of adventure this Halloween season.


Not your typical Halloween affair for your family and friends but a fun-filled activity from morning to night starting with treats & trivia games (Halloween Edition), music fest, horror movie watching, horror costume contest, food fest and more....

Definitely creepy from the moment you arrive, walking down an unlit, unpaved walk way to reach what to appears to be a rustic forest campground.

But nice to see the newly renovated hall wherein the movie watching and music fest was held, it's more comfy and relaxing. (see link here: Malagos)  

In reality, by day, the resort is a tourist attraction. But at night, for this season, the creative Malagos Team headed by Ms. Charisse Puentespina (Malagos Garden Resort Managing Director) brought a new atmosphere to this resort.

One of the added attraction is bringing in 6 guests at a time through a lighthearted, but simultaneously spooky 10-15 minutes Malagos Horror House experience.

Entering the horror house is to know what happened to the college students who where out there to film a documentary on the famous suburb Purok Dos.

Naturally the students disappeared and no one has been able to find them, so the guests will enter the said place and search or discover what horrible fate they have met.

Stepping to the darkened hallway, you can really feel the creepiness inside, without knowing who or what lurking with you ahead, its a nerve-wracking idea for sure that you have to keep your breath in and out and not to hold on or to stumble across, pushing and pulling your friends deeper and deeper into the forest until you reach the barrio and the house itself. It was a different experience because not one but three location that you have to surpass compared to the last year concept they only have one location, the abandoned hospital. Which is also designed by the team of eight architects from C. Puentespina Design and Architects (CPDA).

Guests who are willing to give themselves over to this experience and play along will surely find great fun, just like we did with my Davao Digital Influencers team. 

Mga Handuraw sa Baul is somewhat a light to scare activity, a new immersive experience and a welcome addition to Davao events ( season like Halloween) scene. For me, this is a fantastic departure from the usual "Boo" scares of a haunted houses, not only focusing on it but rather simple, yet entertaining event from day to night.

Though yearly, Malagos Garden Resort held event like this on a rainy day -- just a word of warning for next Halloween season: Wear long pants, bring jackets and shoes you do not value..hahahaha..just wear comfy shoes. I will be glad to be invited again next year and see myself running away from the dangers that lurk within the darkened forest of Malagos.

***Photos and video credit to: Malagos Garden Resort and Ian Garcia