Health Practices of My Family #UnilabPhilippines #UnilabFebruaryCampaign

We do have many practices when it comes to taking care of our family's health. Or sometimes a belief that handed down from generation to generation.

In my family, we have this practice that once we are caught in a rain, we should drink a glass of water sprinkled with salt and drink it immediately to avoid "SUBAW" (a Bisaya dialect that means a head cold). It is a common cold affecting the nasal passages and resulting in congestion, sneezing and headache. A mild viral infection involving the nose and respiratory (but not totally to the lungs).

My mother taught me this kind of a practice, as I said, it was handed down from generation-to-generation. And as a kid I need to follow and now that I am a mother I teach my kids about this practice too!

Now, we have made great progress in our health care system. Old practices are still there and need to follow though, teaching our kids to become more conscious with their health and self-care behavior as well.


Even if I am out of a budget, I always prioritize to buy our medicine and vitamins. I see to it that my tweens got the health care that they need as they become more active in school. And me, need to be conscious with my health too, as I turn forty next month.

Last December, I was diagnose to have a mild Allergic Rhinitis or seasonal allergies or Hay Fever. My doctor told me that I will have this till the end of time, it is a lifelong condition that waxes and wanes over time. I was given prescriptions and one of this is to use NASOCLEAR Nasal Spray from Unilab.

The product is not new to me, because I already used this two years ago and I made my Product Review >>>  NasoClear: Cleans Nose Clearly.

And yes, for the past years I forget about it and as soon I receive the prescriptions I told my doctor,. "Oh Yes! NasoClear!".

It was a great relief that I've known and used this product a long time ago, and now I have been prescribed to use it if symptoms occur again. I'll bring this with me wherever I go, this helps me to relieve stuffiness and makes breathing easier. And if it rains and I got wet, there's no need to worry, still I will follow my mothers' advice and my doctors advice too!

A forty year journey is a bit a yo-yo spin to me. I struggled so much with my health, and now that I have NasoClear with me I guess this will lessen the occurrence of my allergic rhinitis problem. 

And I have a great trust with Unilab products, they are safe, more effective and pocket-friendly.

NasoClear is available in Leading Drug Store for only PHp75.25.


To know more about NasoClear and other health products and tips from UNILAB Philippines, follow on FACEBOOK and TWITTER. Send your inquiries to