Go Make Things Happen by Pepsi Philippines #ArawMoTo #PepsiChallenge
Pepsi Philippines is happy to announce their newest campaign #ArawMoTo lead by @iamdanielpadilla, @barettojulia and @Bamboomusiclive.
Kahit anong araw, kaya mo gawing sa'yo! Sabi nga ng bagong campaign ng @pepsiphl – #ArawMoTo! pic.twitter.com/Gz1oxyV1hV
— Daniel Padilla (@imdanielpadilla) April 11, 2015
The campaign was launched today, April 11, 2015.
Everyday is an opportunity. Go make things happen.
I love PEPSI Philippines campaign because it gives GOOD VIBES to all, that no matter what we've been through, what we've done or mistakes we've made there's always hope.
ARAW MO 'TO (THIS IS YOUR DAY!) campaign is a mere calling that, if you want to do good in your life, start now and make a difference, and help people.
ACT Don't React!
GO for what you LOVE!
Just Go don't WAIT!
What are you waiting for, TWEET now your BUCKET LIST (things that you want to do) using the #ArawMoTo and for every mention of #PepsiChallenge, PEPSI will donate $1 for @literoflight, so keep on tweeting now and support Pepsi Philippines campaign.