#AdDUHighKaKung Trending Topic in Philippines

I was about to make my blog post for my personal blog when I got stuck with this trending topic on tweeter #AdDUHighKaKung.

Screenshot from my Twitter Account

Rank as Top 3 in @TrendiePH.

An information about taking a trip down memory lane with old memoir, with all the releasing and posting old photos from yearbooks and personal experiences that portray each other when they are still in High School at the Ateneo de Davao University.

Like some of these post here, screenshot grab from my TWITTER.

old photos of the school...

the newly paint building.....

the unforgettable activities in high school....

And the NEVER FORGET Senior Bash they have in 2013.

These are just some of the few post you can read using #AdDUHighKaKung on Twitter. So if you're one of the BLUE KNIGHTS feel free to share your experiences during your high school days in Ateneo de Davao University. 

*Don't forget to use hashtag(#)AdDUHighKaKung.