A Memoir of Jam Sebastian #PaalamJamSebastian

After months of battling lung cancer, Jam Vhille "Jam" Sebastian of the famous sensation "JAMICH" passed away today, March 4, 10:30AM.

I started following JAMICH on June 2011, when they
aired their first video in YOUTUBE--- "BY CHANCE". An autobiographical love story that inspired from the video of Wongfu Productions, "Strangers Again".


The video goes viral in FACEBOOK, that I myself was amazed how the two characters lead by Jam Sebastian and Michelle Liggayu give justice to each role.

There both not "sikat"(famous) that time, when they launched their video. But over a year, like most of the other stars who found fame on the internet, the two shared popularity as a rising stars, and the next big thing sensation in entertainment. They got guests spots on National TV, accept cover post in a magazine and grab product endorsement deal. 

But who really was JAM SEBASTIAN?

Jam Vhille Fernando Sebastian was born on March 20, 1986. He is the younger brother of Yexel Sebastian a former dancer of the group STREETBOYS and KIDS AT WORK, and now a famous toy collector in the Philippines.

Jam also direct, plan, shoot, make a script, narrate stories, make a title for their stories, etc.etc.,,,as posted to his FB Timeline

He is such a talented guy, no words to explain his talent. Born with so much dreams and ambitions in life. He surely left us with a mark both entertainment and with our personal experiences with his stories. 

Through his video we relate, we dream, we believe that someday we all going to achieve that, if we can help just one to make that person feel positive about what the future going through a life changing event, we will feel that this is just temporary, that this idea is GODs idea and Jam's project has all been worth while.

Jam suffered with LUNG CANCER and stop making videos for JAMICH. The JAMICH FANS able to relate the situation and therefore felt alone waiting for the possibilities where Jam and Mich makes another positive short stories that will open the door to those who feel relatable with the experiences be it through relationship with family, as a couple, journey of life, and in general.

Jam ended his battle, submitting all his life videos to his MAKER, but aiming that someday his works will not be left unheard or unseen. 

JAM gives positive outlook for others to relate and to aspire others to make videos that includes real stories, real people and talk about their accomplishments as well as their day to day experiences --- anything that will give a bit of encouragement to all of our youth for today.

Here's another video that I've watched, not once, twice but many times. And honestly, this is the video that made me cried.


  1. It's sad to see someone go so young but it's also good to note that he made his mark in this world.

  2. I am no fan of this couple, but their love story is just so inspiring. Too sad, There is no forever in it.

  3. Last night I asked my daughter about Jam for I am not so familiar with this guy and also I asked her what is Jamich which is a combination of Jam's and Michelle's name. What else can we do when someone passes away is to feel sorry and sadden about it.

  4. God is still great, Jam lives for almost 1 year after diagnosed last March 2014. May your soul rest in peace Jam Sebastian.

  5. This is so sad about Jam! I idolized him with his brother Yexel and I'm so updated in their videos. I hope he was in good hands now.

  6. I don't understand why some people have no compassion to what have happened to him. If you come across some of the comments in popular news page, you'll know what I'm saying.

    I don't know much of this Jam Sebastian but I believe he deserve a respect on his death.

    May he rest in peace.

  7. It is a sad story. I first saw them when they were featured by Jessica Soho. Been a fan since then. RIP Jam!

  8. My heart breaks reading this. I was not a fan, but to be taken too early, especially with such a promising life filled with love is a tragedy. My college friend was one of his oncologists and I knew he was deteriorating but I was hopeful for a miracle.

    God has a different plan. May his family find comfort.

  9. I did not know about them before but now I am so touched with their story. Jam fought till the end and I salute him for being brave.

  10. It's quite sad to know that someone at a very young age will die because of cancer. Cancer sucks!

  11. too young to die..but everything has a reason and purpose. their story is inspiring

  12. Oh wow! Ka-birthday ko pala si Jham?! I felt sad he had to die young.

  13. Too soon to leave the world but I am sure he is in the most perfect and happiest place... with God
