Celebrating Easter Sunday

A memorable Easter Sunday happened in my entire life as a mother.  Waking up at exactly 3 in the morning to bring my two daughters to witness the "PANAGTAGPO" held at SAN PEDRO CATHEDRAL DAVAO.


A traditional Roman Catholic way of celebrating Easter Sunday wherein the Risen Jesus meet his mourning mother Mary and the Angel from above get the black veil Mary's wearing and they all sing ALLELUIA.

I'm a renewed Christian now and as my respect for my father's will to bring my kids to see this event and for me then to see again how Catholics continue to carry this tradition seriously from generation to generation.

For me Jesus continues to live in our lives, though we respect how Catholic picture the life and death of Christ, his passion as what the church reminds us how Christ saves us from our sins and how he is risen defeating the curse of evil.

Seeing lots of people gather together to worship, sing and pray.  Marks the calendar when Christ rose from the dead after his crucifixion.  It is a belief that is the foundation in which our faith build not only for the Catholics but also the Christians all around the world.

In the near future JESUS CHRIST will return to reign the world.  Because HE promised HE WOULD COME AGAIN.



  1. Jesus died for our sins so that we may be redeemed that is what Easter is all about.

    - Wanderer Juan

  2. I remember back when I was a kid, I have a fond memory when me and my brothers went to church and after the mass we find Easter eggs, which can be exchange into money. Now I'm grown up I know what's the real meaning of Easter.

  3. I remembered participating the Dawn Mass as one of the angels and honestly, I want to see it again but I couldn't wake up that early. :D

  4. Hirap kc gumising ng sobrnag aga :( Ang na witness ko na lang sa Binan ay yung mga Pinetensya :)

  5. i wwanted to see my self those gret things happenings pg holy week sa pinas! prng nkakaexcite. though we dont really celebrate this nga lng xx

  6. This is really a tradition that we must teach our children, so that they may continue and remember how Christ sacrifice his life for our sins

  7. another nice tradition that continues to inspire many.. thanks for the post

  8. perhaps, one of the most awaiting moment for every christian catholic, part of the lent season rejoicing the Resurrection of JESUS. .everyone just love to witness this event.

  9. I guess Easter is also about second chances to a better life.

  10. I love how Easter gives a lingering sense of hope to everyone. It reminds us that with every tough bump in our lives, a better day awaits and that Jesus will always be there to guide us all the way. :) Thanks for this.

  11. I think (from our Bible study group) that Jesus Christ will come again very very soon.

  12. I only stayed at home during Easter. Buti ka pa, talagang nawitness mo yung salubong ate.. Easter is for new beginnings :)

  13. Happy Ester.My family back home celebrates holy week every year.I miss them and their bisita iglesia photos too.

  14. I'm sure that was a memorable and meaningful celebration of Easter Sunday to you.. stay blessed.

  15. Doing things like this is one way of thanking God for cleaning and forgiving our sins.. The great sacrifice I made that day was walking like almost 2 hours with my youngest child with me..

  16. Whatever the beliefs and faith of the other religious sects should be respected as what you've done. I know they have the truth of the spirituality of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I do appreciate what you've done to your two daughters. But if possible they know the importance of a false traditional from what is the truth.

  17. And to add, Easter isn't just about doing what we usually do for our faith. But to understand that Easter Sunday is all about new beginnings. :)

  18. Aww, I missed this kind of tradition when I was a kid. :)

  19. I remember back then, when we were at Pampanga experiencing my first 'Salubong'. I could only say, this one Roman Catholic tradition that I really like.

  20. Events like this.. Catholics would always make it a spectacle.
    Something Ive been missing since I became a responsible working adult.
    Imagine this kind of fiesta is being done now for thousands of years, Christians celebrating the Christ rising from the dead

  21. We're not Catholics but we also spend early Easter mornings in church. This was was different because my husband was at work and it is quite difficult to go to church w/out him and having no yaya around. Still, I continue to believe in the purpose of Easter and I know that the older my son gets (he's still 1), he'll understand that, too, and we'll be back to joining Easter sunrise services :)

    1. Wow! Thanks for sharing your experience here sis Joy. That time all Christians celebrates Easter Sunday, rejoicing in the name of Jesus.

  22. Hmm, I don't recall doing this before. Just watching the prusisyon during the night, which was years ago, when my lolo was still alive and my lola is still healthy. :3
