Beginning Responsibility

Moms and Dads are busy enrolling their kids.  Well that is our responsibility as parents, sending our children to school, teaching our children to become role models for responsible and emphatic behavior.

photo credit: Stuck in Customs via photopin cc

Hey Kids! How about getting responsible in getting ready for school?  Mom and Dad can't do the things as what they usually do, making coddle and spoon feeding you all the time. You're big now and be responsible enough!

We really hate waking up early. Right?  But you have to do it as time goes fast and you have to do quick and efficient chores while preparing yourself getting back to school.

You're responsible in everything you do, from preparing your things in school, taking a bath, preparing your "baon"(food snack/refreshments).  

It's fun taking small responsibilities not only helping them ease their work load but also helping yourself to become a responsible son/daughter to your parents.

photo credit: Wendy Copley via photopin cc

Here are the things you should follow in order to have a RESPONSIBLE and QUICK BEGINNING going to school:

  1. Prepare your bag, school things and hang your uniform, make sure it is already clean and well-pressed before going to bed.  
  2. Get to bed on time.  Have a 8 hours sleep so that you can wake up early.
  3. Set an alarm and don't wait for your parents to wake you up.  Be responsible with your time.
  4. Wake up on time and take a bath.  Bring all the things needed going to the bathroom.
  5. Put your clothes on, comb you hair and don't forget to cologne yourself and feel fresh.
  6. Prepare your lunch bag(baon).  Eat your breakfast don't let your self starving.
  7. Brush teeth and get your bag.
  8. And head for the door.  Don't forget to ask money.

For teens you can watch this video:

Video credit to teenmakeuptips

Teachers are there just to guide and correct our kids. Molding our children, the next generation, to become a responsible adult.  Not only that, we are nothing without our teacher.  There will be chaos without them, they're there to organized.

 photo credit: theirhistory via photopin cc

Ready to move on to a 
Responsible World!!!


  1. This is a really great post. I like that it's directed to the kids and teens rather than the adults. That factor makes it stand apart from others. Awesome! Great advice too. I felt a bit more confident just reading it actually.

    1. Thanks dear. Really like this post too. I am telling/advicing all the kids to become responsible starting at their young age.

  2. It is good to teach children to be responsible.

  3. my daughter goes to bed 7:30pm so by 8pm she's fast asleep already haha that's the reason as well why she can wake up very early in the morning. She's more independent than any other kids I see here. maybe because she doesnt have yaya like the others hehe.

  4. I really think parents these days are too hands on. When I was growing up, I got myself ready for school! I went to school with my cousins so it was our responsibility to get to school too.

  5. This is a great post. My son will be starting school this year I am hoping it will not be too bad getting him in the routine.
