The Epic Book: Linky Blog Guide to Blogging and Online Business
by Brent Riggs

Are you a blogger and looking for a good book to read? Then this one is for you, I got a chance to see the photo video of Brent Riggs new book: The Epic Book Guide to Blogging and Online Business. I have not read it but I absolutely love this book already.  Brent tackled every single aspect  of online business with precise explanation. 

"The EPIC Book is over 400 pages packed with information, experience, knowledge, tips, advice, lessons learned, and practical instruction. Not 400 pages of big fonts, wide margins, and huge graphics that eat up a lot space so a big page count can be advertised. The EPIC Book has over 135,000 words, dwarfing typical good eBooks that usually average 20,000 – 30,000 words. Nor it is just a bunch of filler content and stuff you won’t read so I can advertise a high word count.

Every page in this book is useful and relevant, the very best of what I have learned and experienced in the last 15+ years of being online. I was blessed to begin online way back before the general public even knew what “the information superhighway” was, before we all truly grasped what the Internet would become. What you will find in this book is the experience of a long, long time online and countless rounds of trial and error, testing, learning, starts and stops, and a relentless passion to learn everything I can learn about all things blogging, internet marketing, and online business."

Here is what you willl get in  the book: Must-Have Resources, Tools, & Software, Over 100 Killer Blogging Tips, 65 Great Headlines to Get You Started, Over 110 Brilliant Blog-Writing Ideas, 80+ Online Business Tips, Digital Photography 101, A Visual Guide to Online Business, Genesis Week - First 7 Days Of Your Online Business, Over 60 Profitable Online Business Ideas, Over 50 Ways To Make Money Online, Writing, Designing, Publishing, Marketing & Automating A World-Class eBook , Mistakes To Avoid – Lessons Learned From My First Dozen eBooks , Checklist: 30 Things You Can Do To Improve, An Interview With An Online Expert, A Library of Useful Articles, And more, more, more!?

The book is for sale on Brent Riggs blog –

Now for another exciting news and  with his permission,  FILIPINO BLOGGERS WORLDWIDE is giving away 5 ecopies(1 copy each) to all of our friends and followers. Enter the giveaway below to win an ecopy. Open Worldwide, 18+. Good luck!


  1. I definitely need this. Being relatively new to blogging, I think this will be a perfect book to reference to especially when your head is out in space trying to think of how and what to write next. Thanks for this info! I will definitely check this out :)

  2. This is a nice book. Definitely a good price for the winners. Good luck for those joining.

  3. I need this! LOL... This is good for those who just started blogging or those who are yet to start:)
    Joined the giveaway :)

  4. Wow, I that this book! Hope I get picked as the winner of this giveaway! :)

  5. I want that book! Hope I get picked as the winner of this giveaway! :)

  6. Indeed this is a good book and good luck to those who is join.

  7. whoah!!! i want to have one! but gotten tired of joining the giveaway. lol. im such a lazy.

    1. Join now sis Janine. You only have 10 things to do and I think you're already like those pages.

  8. i love to join and win 1 of the books :)

  9. This is a very good giveaway. Good luck to all the participants

  10. This book will be a great help to enhance blogging skills. :)
