What is Christmas with all this Calamities of Nature?

December is the season of merrymaking,sharing, and giving where everyone is getting ready for Christmas.  Buying presents and making handmade thingy gifts for loved ones.

But with all this Calamities that we have...isn't there anyone that can help me understands what Christmas is all about???

  photo credit: VinothChandar via photopin cc

I have a hard time thinking while I am on my way going to a mall.  People are very busy buying things for Christmas.  And I was stuck in the middle of nowhere.

photo credit: patricia kranenberg via photopin cc 

I don't know what to do thinking that our Kababayan are needed most our HELP now.  Feeling of distress and unhappiness. For two years now we celebrated Christmas with too much mourn and tears.  Last year, December 12, 2011 it was SENDONG (Internationally known as WASHI) that hit EAST COAST of MINDANAO and killed 1,268 people.  Now PABLO or popularly known as BOPHA also hit mainly COMVAL and Davao Oriental still located in Mindanao.  This is all NATURAL CALAMITIES that we all fear that makes life miserable.

But it's Christmas time, a wonderful opportunity to share our love with friends and family.

photo credit: andy castro via photopin cc 

And this is our time to commit acts of GOODWILL for those that are less fortunate.

photo credit: drp via photopin cc

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ACCOUNT NAME: Ateneo de Davao University
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2881-0028-87

ACCOUNT NAME: Ateneo de Davao University
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 27000-904-26

FAX DEPOSIT SLIP to +63 (82) 221-4737 or +63 (82) 226-4116 or email deposit slip to: finance@addu.edu.ph cc: uceac@addu.edu.ph

And light candles and pray for those souls who had gone from these calamities.