She's 70!!!

Looking for a nice place to dine in and make my mother's birthday simple but a memorable one.  I called up Jack's Ridge to make a reservation for 15 people.

My mother celebrates her 70th birthday,  November 9 at Taklobo Jack's Ridge Resort and Restaurant.

It was a gloomy afternoon and I thought my reservation will be cancelled.   I prayed so hard that it will not rain that day.

Lord God heard my prayer and I am happy and thankful for this is it the day we've been waiting for, almost 2 days preparation to surprise my mama.

With my mama eldest sister Aunt Mely together with my two kids we arrived there around 5:30PM before the said time reservation we have at 6PM.

As soon as we arrived there all the staff inside TAKLOBO eagerly greeted us and accompanied us to our reserved table.  We watched as plates, spoons, forks and glasses of water were brought to table around us.

But what we are all amaze of is what we saw that time...The PEEK OF DAVAO CITY.

The place has a very romantic view around DAVAO GULF, the perfect combination of sky, sea and land. It really makes you happy and it makes my mama more happy too!  For so many years living here in Davao, according to her this is her first time to see DAVAO VIEW on top of the hill.

After a few minutes the waiter asked us if we were ready to order and he handed me the MENUS.

We ordered:



Yes great and yummy food indeed!!!  And their drinks quench your thirst.




And what makes it more memorable day for my mama? My cousin has just arrived from abroad, and she was very glad to see her "pamangkin"
on her birthday. A bit of shock and surprise I see in my mother's eyes.

Laughter and Fun amidst my teary eyed mom.  Tears of joy as my daughter tells me, "Lola is crying"...with people and band serenading her.


....singing SONATA and birthday songs...quiet a surprise for her.

A memorable 70th birthday treat for mama.  Thanks to Jack's Ridge Staff for making my mama's birthday possible. 

Thanks to all my relatives and cousins for sharing their thoughts and being present in the party.

And Thank You Lord Jesus for giving a wonderful day to celebrate my mama's birthday.    

For my food and restaurant review you can visit my blog HERE




  1. I've been to Jack's Ridge and the view is just splendid. Cheers to your mother for her 70th year.

  2. Happy Birthday to your mom! The food was yummy, I wish you had invited me there. Joke. :)

  3. Indeed, a very memorable and fun day sa mama mo. Happy birthday to your mom. More years to come.

  4. happy 70th to your mom and more wonderful years to come. btw, the prices on the menu are kinda weird noh. may butal pa talaga. i even saw .32...

  5. Yes sis RC as in butal talaga...para may change na coins...jejejejeje....

  6. The last time I went to Davao, my college friend brought me here. So great! it indeed has a lovely view of Davao City. I like their food too.

    Happy Birthday to your mom.

  7. Such a happy family! Happy birthday to her, and may she be blessed with many more happy years with the rest of you!

  8. happy birthday to her. she's blessed to have loving relatives like you.

  9. Happy Birthday to her. It was indeed one memorable bday for her.

  10. Happy Birthdya to your loving mom! .Halos mag ka age pala parents natin. Miss ko na tuloy mother ko, huhuhu!

  11. Happy birthday to your mom! judging the photos, it seems like it was a very fun celebration :)

  12. Happy Birthday to your mother! You've done right by surprising her this way. She looks very happy, the teary-eyed kind.

  13. Happy birthday 70th to your mom :) it seems that she totally enjoy her celebration and the place looks cool and cozy fit for parties.

  14. She turned 70 and she truly deserved the surprised celebration. I can see the overwhelming happiness in your mother's face.

    Belated greetings to your mom and I wish her more birthdays ahead and most especially good health.

  15. Thank you so much for all of your greetings and wishes for my mama's birthday. God bless us all.

  16. That was very sweet of you to treat mom on her birthday. Happy birthday kay Mama mo. She sure enjoyed it a lot :)

  17. the buco juice picture makes me miss pinas even more. :( i'll try to remember the resort's name so i can share it with my friends. :)

  18. Belated happy birthday to her! My grandma is not one for big celebrations like this but it's nice when the family gathers together, with or without an occasion. :)

  19. It's very nice for you to have made your Mom happy and honored her... and to all, love and take care of your parents for without them, we are not here today. Honor your parents and you will have long life..

  20. Happy Birthday.

    I stayed for many years in Davao but I have not been at Jack's Ridge Resort and Restaurant. I always to visit the place but have not done it until now.

  21. Happy Birthday to your mom! I would love to visit Davao one of these days :)

  22. sweet! When my mom turned 70 we also gave her a surprise party...she is 78 now, so God willing we can have another one when she turns 80 :) Bod bless your Mom.
