Should you really care what bloggers are saying?

It really hurt me to hear news about Senator Tito Sen tells about bloggers,

Senator Tito Sotto

Blogging for me is an art that women and men can relate to.  It's all about the things in general.  It's a form of communication, like the newspaper or magazines, TV or a radio, a reality that we want to convey to our readers through our writings, pictures and videos.  

A blog dedicated to readers to smile.  A blog that inspires and a blog that helps your questions being answered.

Should you really care what bloggers are saying?  Yes, you should.  Because for me BLOGGERS are the EYE OPENER, the MODERN REVOLUTIONARY, the NEW KKK(Kataastaasang,Kagalanggalang  Katipunan ng mga ANAK NG BAYAN) in the Philippines. 

Here to define what is a blog: TENTBLOGGER

I hate plagiarism.  We all hate PLAGIARISM.  Copying our own works without our knowledge is a big NO NO to us as bloggers.  But what make this story more complicated is that we are quoted to be as BLOGGERS LANG.

We write what we feel and what we see around us.  That is the mere fact of it.  We blog what we experience and we wanted our readers to know that.  Blogging is not "LANG", it is a work of passion and love.

Hope that Tito Sen and all our readers will understand our stand.  We want respect on our writings and to our whole being.


  1. Blogger lang,,yes we are bloggers lang better than thieves and liar like the politicians lang.

  2. It's like we're given a label/stereotype without them knowing what bloggers really are. :/

  3. Obviously, he doesn't know what he's saying. His ignorance is unacceptable. If I keep going, I might say something below the belt, so I better stop now.

  4. I have read a lot of things about the issue with Sen. Sotto. I say no to plagiarism and I am waiting to hear his side on this issue. I hope he can clear his name soon.

  5. i agree! blogging is not "lang". it's just sad how Tito Sotto sees bloggers :(

  6. Much as I am disappointed with Sen. Sotto's remark, I have to say that I can't also blame him. Let's face it. The quality of the blogs out on the Internet are not consistent. Some are really good and reputable while others aren't. Instead of ranting about this, perhaps we should take his remark as a challenge to show that bloggers, Filipino bloggers in particular, are a brood of people to reckon with.

  7. @Adeline Yuboco: You're right ma'am. A challenge indeed.

  8. I think he needs to check his writers too because if his writers are really good then they could have mentioned it to him that it ALL came from a blogger's post.

  9. wasn't his speech taken from a blogger?

  10. Time to show Tito Sotto that bloggers can help in not having him reelected.

  11. Sen. Sotto doesn't know the power of social media that the purported "she's just a blogger" is an indirect connotation of belittling bloggers.

    However, my hope is that bloggers would stay calm and genius. Let's not create rage because of what Sotto has said. Remember, we're good bloggers. :D

    The issue about plagiarism, is also a battle of both Sotto's and Sarah Pope's laurel. In my opinion, Sen. Sotto should make a public apology and accept his negligence.

  12. this has been a trending topic lately, well, what ever he meant on that "blogger lang", I don't care at all... as far as I know, I learn a lot from blog-hopping... :D

  13. Blogging is not easy ,it took us a while before we can make an article and it is irritating to know that somebody just copied our post without proper credit and the worst is ,they even claimed it as their own like Tito Sotto, he is bad.

  14. politicians... they always make a way to make everyone controlled and taxed. it's also like here in the US...pain in the butt.

  15. I think most bloggers can do a better job as a senator than Tito Sotto the lying thief

  16. Good luck to his campaign this coming election. He lost many votes already.

  17. Well, sorry sir Tito ha, bloggers lang po kami.. nakaka disappoint naman to.. hmp.

  18. grrrr!!!!! i have the same sentiments on this... as in!!! i'm so embarrassed on what he did and he even had the nerves to say that... i'm sorry i had to share this photo on:

  19. sayang, oonti na lalo mag vote sa kanya..

  20. Bloggers are influencers..sana wag lang lang-in. come election time they'll be needing us too!

  21. hay buhay....natatawa na lang talaga ako sa mga nangyayari.

  22. Yes, As much as I adore Eat Bulaga, your wrong on this one in all accounts. Its the blogger's thought and you should respect that.

  23. Well, he would pay the price come 2013 election.

  24. I also made a post about this but up until now, I haven't published it yet. I hope he just accepts his fault instead of giving so many excuses...

  25. I do respect your view or opinion. You're entitled for what you've written. Generally, Sen. Sotto should have acknowledged Pope's views on ill effects of pills. That's what we call a due to respect to one's effort whether the writer is an ordinary person, a mere blogger or whatever.
