picture of myself with 10 facts:

  1. Mysterious... Oftentimes, a loner. I know my true friends and only they are allowed to understand the real me.
  2. I hide my emotions... Sometimes pretending to be always happy. Sometimes, not giving even a hint of what I really feel.
  3. Search for love... I am a hopeless romantic and every time I enter a relationship, I give my all and believe “this is the One.”
  4. I have so many ideas in mind... I am creative and aggressive! If I want something, I’ll do anything to get it!
  5. I am an ideal girlfriend, lover, and a wife... I don’t care if my partner doesn’t really love me as long as I love him.  I give my all.
  6. Sometimes I am intimidating! People have an impression that I am an elite—or if not, I simply look sophisticated. I gain praises but not companions.
  7. I love the actions... With the hero-like taste! I focus on my strengths and use them to protect persons/things that are important to me.
  8. I do have a "childlike" attitude.
  9. I love my home and I am responsible with my family. Nevertheless I prefer to be where the action is, as I get bored easily.
  10. I am who I am.